Aims: To promote and support new developments and effective practices in the education of children who are deaf or visually impaired. Services provided: Training courses for teachers and other professionals involved in the education of children with visual impairments, who are deaf or have combined sensory impairments (deafblind etc) Research and publications (best practice etc)…
Western Isles
Working Families
Details for scottish office below Mission Our mission is to remove the barriers that people with caring responsibilities face in the workplace. We drive positive change by supporting and advocating for working parents and carers, collaborating with employers to build flexible and family-friendly cultures, and influencing government policy. Services provided: Freephone helpline Assist parents to…
Birds of Paradise Theatre Company
Birds of Paradise is a theatre company based in Scotland that was founded in 1993 – you can find out more about the history of the company on their website. Through our work and activity we want to help bring about positive change in the theatre and arts in Scotland and further afield. We do…
STAF – Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum
Aims: To improve support for young people leaving care, by sharing good practice, creating networks and influencing local and national developments. Services provided: Staf is a membership organisation open to all those who have Corporate Parenting responsibilities or who work directly with care leavers. This includes local authorities, health boards, third and independent sector organisations,…
Worster-Drought Syndrome Support Group
Aims: To provide information and support for families and people with Worster-Drought Syndrome To raise awareness of Worster-Drought Syndrome with professional workers and other interested individuals. services provided: Offer support and advice via email Provide information Links families. membership: No membership fees, though voluntary contributions are welcomed.