Disability Information Guides

7 graphics representing a megaphone, laptop, 2 children jumping, car, wallet, wheelchair and green cross against a white background on a banner

Information Guides

Disability Information Scotland’s Information guides about rights and opportunities for disabled people in Scotland aim to answer the questions people frequently ask our helpline team.

Guides are listed under category headings; just click the link to access the information guide you want to read.

There will be a link on each page where you can download a printable Microsoft Word or PDF version of the guide.

If you cannot find the answers you need please contact us here and we will do our best to help you.


a graphical representation of a powered wheelchair on a white background

Equipment, Adaptations and Care

VAT exemption on disability products

Grants and support

Care needs assessment in Scotland

Disability aids and equipment

Disabled Home Adaptations


a graphical representation of a loudhailer in yellow against a white background

Equality, Legal Rights and Advocacy

Equality and Human Rights

Independent Advocacy

Hate Crime


a graphic representing a wheelchair with a green seat

Access and Accessibility

Accessible Outdoors

Accessible Holidays

Accessible Toilets

Accessible Housing

Accessible Environments


a graphic representing a laptop in red

Education, Training and Employment

Access to Work

Education Funding

Education Trusts and Grants

Disabled Students in Further and Higher Education


a graphic representing a red and white beach ball

Holidays and Leisure

Disability Sport

Holiday and Respite Grants


a graphic representing a blue car

Mobility, Travel and Transport

Choosing a Mobility Scooter or Electric Wheelchair /Powerchair

Travel Concessions for Disabled People in Scotland

Blue Badges and Car Parking

Using International Disability Parking Permits in Scotland


a graphic representing a blue wallet

Money, Benefits and Grants

Am I entitled to Benefits and Social Security in Scotland 2024

Adult Disability Payment in Scotland

Child Disability Payment in Scotland

Carers Allowance and Carers Support Payment in Scotland

Attendance Allowance and Pension Age Disability Payment in Scotland

Grants and support

Holiday and Respite Grants

Where can I get benefits advice?


a graphic representing 2 yellow speech bubbles

Quick Links to Useful Information

Scotland Useful Information Quick Links









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