Making information accessible

What is accessible information?

People with communication support needs face exclusion and discrimination every day.

Accessible information is giving information in a way that is accessible to as many people as possible.

To make information accessible you need to think about the language you use, and how you present it.

You need to have some understanding of how information is communicated when filtered through the technology which some people use in order to access webpages and documents.

Accessible information is part of Inclusive Communication.

Legal requirements for accessible information.

The Equality Act 2010 requires that all public services are as inclusive as can be reasonably expected, given the resources available to them, and to anticipate requirements of people with disabilities or impairments. This includes ensuring that information is accessible.

The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018 have tightened up the legal requirements for accessible information and websites. New public bodies and websites have been obliged to comply with these regulations since 2018 and older public bodies and websites were required to comply fully as of 2020.

Who can use these pages or sign up to courses?

Anyone who is interested in making sure that their information is accessible:

  • Large and small organisations across all sectors.
  • Trusts and Boards.
  • Community groups.
  • Individuals
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