Accessible Environments


This guide describes best practice guidelines on physical access to environments, as well as useful contacts who can provide specialist advice on accessibility issues. Physical access is not just about wheelchair access but refers to improving access for people with a range of impairments.

Please note that information may be subject to change. All information is provided in good faith but Disability Information Scotland does not endorse any product or service referred to within this resource.

Access Guides

Removing barriers, enabling change

The Access Guides provide technical information and best practice guidelines on accessible design. The guides have been produced in partnership with the Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living (GCIL).

Duty to make reasonable adjustments

Under the Equality Act 2010, employers, service providers and education providers have to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people in three circumstances, one of which is to Change a Physical Feature. Sometimes a physical feature of a building or other premises may make it more difficult for you to access or use it.

Examples of reasonable adjustments to this could include:

  • providing ramps and stairway lifts
  • making doorways wider
  • installing automatic doors
  • providing more lighting and clearer signs.

For more information on the Equality Act 2010, please see our Equality Act information guide or contact our helpline on 0300 323 9961.

If you feel that you have been discriminated against, you can call the Equality Advisory Support Service (EASS) on 0808 800 0082.

You can find useful information about discrimination on the European Human Rights Commission website.

Where can I get advice on physical access issues?

A good first step is to contact your local access panel. Access panels are groups of volunteers who work together to improve physical access and wider social inclusion in their local communities. You can find your local access panel by visiting the Access Network website.

If you wanted to arrange an access audit, you can search the National Register of Access Consultants (NRAC). This is an independent register of accredited Access Auditors and Access Consultants who meet professional standards.

The Centre for Accessible Environments is the leading UK authority on inclusive design. They provide consultancy, training, research and publications on building design and management to meet all user needs, including disabled and older people. They have a range of publications on their website and a Frequently Asked Questions section. If you can’t find the information you are looking for you can email them on or telephone 020 7822 8232.

Disabled access venues

The following websites provide access information on venues in the UK. This can help to plan trips out and holidays.

Euan’s Guide is a website that features disabled access reviews from disabled people and their friends and families. You can use the website to search for listings and reviews of venues across the UK and beyond. Listings include information about accessible toilets, wheelchair access, hearing loops and multiple other access features that exist at any one particular venue.

AccessAble is an online information service providing detailed access information to 1000’s of venues across the UK and Ireland. Covering everything from restaurants, hotels and tourist attractions to doctors, dentists, colleges, universities and hospitals.

Good Access Guide is an online directory you can use to search for accessible holiday accommodation in the UK and Ireland. You can also use it to search for companies providing Independent Living Aids such mobility aids, wheelchairs and walkers. (Please note the Independent Living Aids information is limited mostly to England at the moment). 

Tourism for All is a website you can use to find accessible destinations,  accommodation, attractions and events across Britain.

For further information about holidays, see our Accessible Holidays Information Guide

For information on accessible toilets, see our Accessible Toilets Information Guide

Additional Contacts

Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland (MACS) provide advice to Scottish Ministers on the planning and regulating of transport facilities to ensure that they are accessible for those with a disability.

MACS has no staff but is supported by a Secretariat within Transport Scotland.

Telephone: 0131 244 0923

The Access Panel Network  are groups of volunteers who work together to improve physical access and wider social inclusion in their local communities.  They are supported by Disability Equality Scotland.

Information last updated on 25 January 2024. Please note that information may be subject to change. All information is provided in good faith but Disability Information Scotland does not endorse any product or service referred to within this resource.

If you would like this information guide in another version then please contact us and we will post or email you a copy.

Access and Accessibility:Frequently Asked Questions

Through our helpline we receive enquiries spanning a wide range of different topics. Here is a selection of those most asked:

Council Help for Disabled People

How can I get a RADAR key?

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