
Scottish Huntington’s Association

Aims: To offer information and support to families with Huntington’s disease, their friends and professionals. Services provided: Emotional and practical support for people whose lives are affected by Huntington’s disease Someone to talk to confidentially Liaison with other professionals to help individuals obtain services to which they may be entitled e.g. Benefits Agency and Social…

Urostomy Association

Aims: To provide information and support for people with a urinary diversion, their families and carers, both before and after surgery. Services provided: Regular magazine and other literature Open Facebook page and closed Group, to provide support Website Local meetings Trained volunteers available to provide peer support, both before and after surgery Opening hours: Monday…

ClearVision Project

Aims: To give children and young people a wide range of interesting books which they can share with sighted friends, family and teachers, letting them learn to read more easily.  To let braille reading adults share books with sighted children. Services provided: The ClearVision process takes standard children’s picture books and adds the brailled text…

Patients Association

Aims: To ensure that everybody can access and benefit from the health and care they need to live well, by ensuring that services are designed and delivered through equal partnership with patients. Services provided: Runs a helpline providing information, support and signposting Free membership for patients Represents the interests of patients to the government, the…

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