Ensuring That Your Information is Accessible checklist

The Checklist

The Disability Discrimination Act states that you must ensure your services are accessible to disabled people.

To meet the needs of disabled people:

  • Produce all information in plain language and a minimum type size of 12 point.
  • On request, provide information in alternative formats such as large print, audio tape, Braille, or an easy-to-understand version.
  • Use interpreters for people who need to communicate in a sign language or other community language.
  • Design and develop your web site in a way which makes it accessible for disabled people.
  • Provide your service in a flexible way, where appropriate using home visits, telephones, the internet or different opening hours.
  • Ensure that your premises are fully accessible to people with mobility or sensory impairments.
  • Provide publicity materials which tell disabled people what you can or cannot do.
  • Have good working relationships with other appropriate service providers and suitable referral arrangements.
  • Provide your staff with disability equality training. A key barrier for disabled people is negative attitudes towards them.
  • Get regular and organised feedback from disabled people about the accessibility of your service.
  • Involve disabled people in service planning and training delivery.

Please note that information may be subject to change. All advice is provided in good faith but Disability Information Scotland does not guarantee the accuracy of these materials.


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