About Our Website

Thank you for visiting our website.  We hope you found the information you were looking for.

Here at Disability Information Scotland we are constantly developing information to ensure it is as useful as it can be. We’d like your help with this. Could you answer a few short questions about your visit to our website? This would help us to know what’s working and what we may need to change.

Your answers are anonymous. There are only 7 questions and 6 of them are drop-down lists.

Note that this form is for feedback for the website only.  If you would like to contact us with a query then please use our contact form here.

About Our Website

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Did you find the information you were looking for?
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Was the information easy to understand?
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Did the information you found answer all your questions?
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Choose from the drop-down list
Choose from the drop-down list
Type your comments in the box
please enter your email address if you would like us to contact you about your feedback

Thank you for taking part. We read all feedback and use it to develop our services.

We also run training courses in accessible information. If you would like training in how to ensure your digital information is as accessible as possible please visit our training page

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