Volunteer with us

Image representing volunteering with DIS. It shows a speech bubble with volunteer with us written in it


We believe that knowledge is power and that knowing how to access the disability information you need, when you need it, in a format that suits you, can help to break down the barriers that exclude you.

With many support services cut or working at a reduced capacity; our callers are struggling to get the support they need. Accessing services is getting harder and the maze of information can be confusing and overwhelming.

To help meet this demand, we are looking for volunteers to help us to help provide information to people who need it. Whatever your reason for volunteering, we will provide you with the guidance, training, and support you need to be an effective part of our team.  Whether you have experience of disability first hand, want to develop your skills for employment, or just contribute to a more equal society, we have a role for you.

Our current volunteering roles are Directory Administrator (office based) and Board member. We hope to be able to offer a Marketing Volunteer opportunity soon. We will give you a full induction and regular support to help you get up to speed quickly and contribute to our work.  Volunteering can help you to gain new knowledge and skills, or to share your skills and experience with others.

Our volunteer strategy sets out our aims and commitments to our future volunteers over the next three years.  If there are any questions not answered on this page please get in touch and we’ll answer whatever you need to help you make a decision to come join us.

With 1 in 5 people in Scotland living with disabilities or a long-term illness, building opportunities for our volunteers to work alongside our staff and service users will enable us to ensure all disabled people in Scotland have the information they need to break through barriers. Thank you for volunteering.


Link to our current volunteering opportunities. Image shows a speech bubble with volunteer with us written in it

Link to volunteer commitment page. image shows two hands held above text volunteer commitment Link to volunteering faq page. image shows text volunteering faq

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