Scotland Useful Information Quick Links

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Scotland Useful Information Quick Links


Legal Background

Specialist Health and Disability Charities

General health Information


Care Information

Benefits and Social Security

Money Matters

Transport and Mobility


Energy and Water

Legal matters

General Advice Agencies

Information if You Are Not in Scotland



If you are living with a disability or caring for someone with a disability there are many services that may be able to help you. This quick links guide gives contacts for national services in Scotland, councils, and organisations with Scotland-wide networks.

If you cannot find the information you need look in our Disability Directory or call our helpline on 0300 323 9961

Disability is one of the “protected characteristics” under the Equality Act 2010. You can find information about this on the Equality and Human Rights Commission website here  Equality Act 2010 | EHRC (

People receiving care also have protection under other legislation  Equality Act 2010 | Care Information Scotland (

Some disability related legislation is specific to Scotland Disabled people – (

Specialist health and disability charities


Online information and volunteer support to use technology

0300 180 0028

About AbilityNet | AbilityNet

Alzheimer Scotland 

Information, signposting and support for anyone affected by dementia.

0808 808 3000

Scottish Autism

Information and support for people with autism

01259 720044

Scottish Autism – Autism Awareness Charity & Services for Children & Adults in Scotland

Breast Cancer Now 

Information and support for anyone affected by breast cancer.

0808 800 6000

Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland 

Advice and support on recovery from and living with chest, heart and stroke issues.

0808 801 0899

Contact Scotland BSL

Scotland’s national BSL video interpreting relay service

0333 344 7712

Contact Scotland (

Deaf Action

Services for people who are hard of hearing and deaf.

0131 556 3128

 Services – Deaf Action

Diabetes Scotland 

Specialist information and advice on living with diabetes.

0345 123 2399

Disability Equality Scotland 

Information about accessible travel, inclusion, access panels and Hate crime

0141 370 0968

Welcome – Disability Equality Scotland 


Support for people with a learning disability

0300 0200 101

Enable Home


Advice about support for education

Enquire – The Scottish advice service for additional support for learning

LEAD Scotland (Linking Education and Disability)

Practical support, information and advice tailored to your individual circumstances.

0131 228 9441

LEAD Scotland – Linking Education and Disability » Specialist in linking education and disability 

Macmillan Cancer Support 

Information and support for anyone affected by cancer.

0808 808 00 00

MND Scotland

Advice about staying independent, money, wellbeing and practical matters

0141 332 3903

MND Scotland | Making Time Count

MS Society

Advice about Multiple Sclerosis

0808 800 8000

MS Society UK | Information, research and support | MS Society

NASS – National Axial Spondyloarthritis Society

Advice about Axial Spondyloarthritis

020 8741 1515

Homepage | National Axial Spondyloarthritis Society (

Parkinson’s UK helpline 

Information, signposting and support for anyone affected by Parkinson’s.

0808 800 0303

RNIB (support for people with sight loss) 

Help and advice for blind and partially sighted people.

0303 123 9999


Information and support for people who are deaf, or have hearing loss or tinnitus.

0808 808 0123

Text message: 07360 268 988

Relay UK: 18001 then 0808 808 0123

Royal Osteoporosis Society 

Information and support on living well with osteoporosis.

0808 800 0035

Scottish Disability Sport

Information about sports for people of all ages and abilities

Sense Scotland 

Information, advice and support for people with complex needs

0300 330 9292

Sense Scotland | Home

Sight Scotland 

Supports people in Scotland with sight loss

0800 024 8973

Sight Scotland. Educating & Supporting People With Vision Loss

Versus Arthritis     

Information about arthritis

0800 5200 520

Versus Arthritis | A future free from arthritis

Visibility Scotland

Information about living with sight loss

0141 332 4632

Visibility Scotland – You don’t need sight to have vision.

General health information

Breathing Space telephone support

If you are experiencing low mood, anxiety or depression.

0800 83 85 87

Cruse Scotland 

Bereavement support and counselling

0808 802 6161

Home : Cruse Bereavement Care (

LGBT Health & Wellbeing 

Information and emotional support for the LGBT+ community.

0800 464 7000

Living Made Easy

Advice on daily living aids for people living with a disability.

0800 123 3084

NHS 24

Urgent health care advice and mental health support.


NHS Inform helpline 

Non-urgent information about health and local services.

0800 22 44 88

You can search their website for local health services here Health and Wellbeing services | NHS Inform

Patient Advice and Support Service

Information about NHS patients’ rights and responsibilities in Scotland.

0800 917 2127


24-hour phone support to explore thoughts and feelings.

116 123



Advice on employment rights, rules and best practice

0300 123 1100

Acas | Making working life better for everyone in Britain

Equality Advisory Support Service

Advice and assistance if you are treated unfairly.

0808 800 0082

Equality Advisory and Support Service (

Access to Work  

Access to Work can help you get or stay in work if you have a physical or mental health condition or disability.

0800 121 7479

Access to Work: get support if you have a disability or health condition: Apply for an Access to Work grant – GOV.UK (

Care information

Care Information Scotland

Information and advice on how to get and provide care.

0800 011 3200

Your local Council

For a care needs assessment contact your local council Organisations –  or in Highland NHS Highland 

Scottish Government

Information about social care

Social care – (

Age Scotland 

Care home rights

0800 12 44 222

Care and Support | Age Scotland (

Care Inspectorate 

Oversees care services, standards and complaints

0345 600 9527

Local Carers Centres

Care Information Scotland lists them here  Carer centres | Care Information Scotland (

Carers Scotland 

Advice, information and support for carers.

0808 808 7777

Benefits and social security

Social Security Scotland 

Responsible for the benefits that are devolved to Scotland. These include

Adult Disability Payment Adult Disability Payment –

Child Disability Payment Child Disability Payment –

Carer Support Payment Carer Support Payment –

Carers Allowance Supplement Carer’s Allowance Supplement –

0800 182 2222


Responsible for paying some benefits including  

Council Tax Reduction Council Tax Reduction – help paying your Council Tax bill – Citizens Advice Scotland and Council Tax Reduction Tool – Citizens Advice Scotland (

Housing benefit (help with rent for some working age people who are not yet on Universal Credit and people over State Pension age) Housing Benefit – Citizens Advice Scotland

Scottish Welfare Fund Scottish Welfare Fund – overview – Citizens Advice Scotland

You can find contact details for your local council here Organisations –

Department for Work and Pensions 

Department for Work and Pensions Department for Work and Pensions – GOV.UK (

Pays many of the England-only benefits and UK- wide benefits including Universal Credit, State Pension and Employment and Support Allowance.


Benefits information Turn2us Benefits Calculator

Grant search Turn2us Grants Search

Money Matters

Money Helper 

Guidance about money matters, including debt, benefits and pensions.

0800 138 7777 (money)

0800 011 3797 (pensions)


Grants and benefits information.

0808 802 2000


Free, independent help with debt

0800 138 1111

StepChange Debt Charity. Free Expert Debt Help & Advice

Transport and mobility

Blue Badge Scotland 

Apply for or renew a Blue Badge –

Transport Scotland

How to apply for a 60+ or disabled person’s National Entitlement Card

How to apply for or renew your National Entitlement Card | Transport Scotland


Shelter Scotland Helpline 

Advice on housing matters, including urgent situations.

0808 800 4444

Care and Repair Scotland 

Support and advice on home repairs and adaptations.

0141 221 9879

Housing Options Scotland 

Help finding housing for older and disabled people, and veterans.

0131 510 1567


Government endorsed listings of trusted tradespeople.

0333 555 1234

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

Advice about fire safety and book a free home fire safety visit

Home fire safety visits | Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (

Energy and water

Home Energy Scotland 

Advice on and financial support with energy costs.

0808 808 2282

National gas emergency service 

Emergency assistance, and gas and carbon monoxide safety advice.

0800 111 999

Emergencies and safety advice | National Gas

Electricity power cut 

National grid report a power cut.


National Grid – How to report a power cut

Scottish Water 

Inquiries and to report water supply and waste water issues.

0800 0778 778

Home – Scottish Water

Priority Service Register Scotland 

Your energy and water suppliers have Priority Service Registers so they can support older or disabled people in case of emergency

The Priority Services Register in ScotlandHomepage – The Priority Services Register in Scotland (

Police Scotland 

Non-emergency crime reporting and advice on crime prevention.


Equality Advisory and Support Service

0800 800 0082

Advises and assists people on issues relating to equality and human rights

Equality Advisory and Support Service (

Scottish Women’s Aid

0800 027 1234

Contact us | Scottish Women’s Aid (

Office of the Public Guardian in Scotland 

Power of Attorney and Guardianship

01324 678 300

Mental Welfare Commission 

Advice on mental health and incapacity law, care and treatment.

0800 389 6809

Victim Support Scotland 

Information and support for anyone affected by crime.

0800 160 1985

Home – Victim Support Scotland

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman 

Formal complaints about public service organisations after using service complaints procedures

0800 377 7330

Generalist advice agencies

Advice Direct Scotland 

Advice Direct Scotland

Specialist services about        (benefits, employment, housing, neighbourhood issues, family and relationships)

Citizens Advice Bureau

Network of offices across Scotland here Get advice – Citizens Advice Scotland Up to date advice about a wide range of topics

Helpline number to find your local CAB 0800 028 1456

Specialist services about

Claiming Universal Credit Contact us about a Universal Credit application – Citizens Advice Scotland

Information if you are not in Scotland

Much of the legislation that affects the lives of people with disabilities and their carers is devolved to Scotland, and not the same as that elsewhere in the UK.

If your enquiry does not relate to Scotland you can find information about disability-related issues from

Citizens Advice 

You can find advice and also details of your local service here: check top left of the screen to specify the country where you live

Citizens Advice


The disability equality charity for England and Wales

0808 800 3333

Home | Disability charity Scope UK

Age UK

Information and advice for people over 50

0800 678 1602

Information last updated on 26 August 2024.

We are grateful to the Scottish Government for funding this publication

scottish government logo showing a saltire flag with the text scottish government riaghaltas na alba

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