The Young Women’s Movement

Scotland's national organisation for young women's feminist leadership and collective action against gender inequality.

Services provided:

YWCA is a world movement of women leading change. Our vision is a world where every woman can shape her own life journey and fulfil her potential, where the voices of women are heard, respected and celebrated. They help to bring this about by creating empowering spaces for girls and young women to meet together in groups and clubs, activities and conversations.

They are part of a worldwide movement that upholds human rights. They challenge gender inequality in every area of their lives and at every point along their journey.

Gender inequality is a structural issue
They know that the barriers they experience as women are part of an institutionalised inequality which unjustly favours men in terms of position, power and wealth.

We are feminists
Their work is founded on a commitment to feminism. This means tackling all shapes and forms of inequality and striving for change. The power to change the status quo lies within all women and girls

Our movement is for all women
They welcome and respect each other as women and girls who come with richly different experiences and perspectives on class, sexuality, race, religion, ability, age and culture.



C/O The Melting Pot
15 Calton Road
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United Kingdom

Phone: 0141 465 4627

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