Your Support Your Way Glasgow has been developed by Glasgow City Council in conjunction with its partners to provide Glasgow residents with information, advice and guidance about local health and social services and sources of help to support independent living. The website is maintained by Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (GCHSCP) staff but the information relating to services available is maintained by the organisations that provide the services.
The website includes:
- Information for Adults (including adult protection, mental health, money advice and telecare)
- Information for Older People (including day care, care homes, supported and independent living, dementia, getting around, and health and wellbeing)
- Information for Children and Families (including adoption and fostering, child protection and kinship care)
- Information for carers/young carers
- Personalisation (Self-Directed Support)
- Suicide Prevention – Choose Life
- Housing Options and Homelessness (including information on homelessness supports, housing adaptations and , care homes)
- Drugs and Alcohol (this includes information on what services are available)
- Palliative and End of Life Care services
- Community Health Services (including finding a local service, community mental health services, sexual health and health improvement)
- List of National Helplines (this includes information on a variety of local and national helplines)
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