Weavers Linn Respite Unit

Public sector care home in Paisley

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Service provided:

Weaver’s Linn Respite, a state-of-the-art unit in Glenburn Road, Paisley was opened in February 2007.

The unit provides respite care to adults who have a learning disability and live at home with carers. The building has been designed and equipped to enable the unit to support people who also have a physical disability.Their dedicated staff is made up of social care staff, environmental services staff, a respite co-ordinator and a manager. The staff team has a good mix of age, gender and experience and are knowledgeable and trained in supporting adults who have learning disabilities.

There are 10 respite places available. A referral is required from the Social Work department.


Respite provided:




65 Glenburn Road

Phone: 0141 949 7140
Website: http://www.carehome.co.uk/carehome.cfm/searchazref/10006039WEAA

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