The Mungo Foundation – Respite Services

Respite services for adults with learning disabilities

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Service provided:

The Mungo Foundation, in partnership with East Dunbartonshire Council, has developed a residential short break / respite service for adults with a learning disability.  The project is based in a purpose built house in Twechar, East Dunbartonshire.  The accommodation includes a self-contained flat with a separate external entrance.  The service will provide a residential respite service for a maximum of 5 adults with a learning disability, some of whom may have physical / complex needs and / or autistic spectrum disorders.  The self-contained flat will be used either for individual service users’ whose personal life plan is to work towards more independent living, or for those whose pre-admission assessment had identified a likely incompatibility for sharing accommodation.  A referral is required from East Dunbartonshire Social Work Department.


Contact the Foundation for further details.

Respite provided:

Residential short breaks.



36 Davidson Crescent
East Dunbartonshire
G65 9SR

Phone: 01236 827 556

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