LHH (League of the Helping Hand)

Provides one-off grants for those who have an illness or disability or are caring for someone with an illness/disability


LHH is a national charity providing financial assistance to people who are in hardship due to illness or disability. This includes physical and mental health problems, learning disabilities and people caring for an adult or child with a disability.

Only those who are living on a very low income, receiving the appropriate welfare benefits and have exhausted all other funding sources including statutory funding, local and occupational charities, will be considered for a grant.

Financial assistance may be provided under the following two categories:-

  • One-off Grants
    These are generally awarded towards essential household items and specialist equipment not available from statutory agencies. When funds are available, we also offer grants towards carer’s breaks.


  • Extended Assistance
    LHH supports around 70 ill and disabled people who have been identified as being in need of on going financial help. Quarterly gifts help contribute towards daily living expenses and regular contact is maintained through quarterly newsletters, birthday & Christmas cards as well as a personal visit from the Secretary once a year where possible.

how to apply:

Full details and an application form is available to download from the website. Referral agency must make the application.

Please seeĀ Application for Assistance for further information.




The Secretary
PO Box 342
Burgess Hill
West Sussex
RH15 5AQ
United Kingdom

Phone: 01444 236 099
Website: http://www.lhh.org.uk/
Email: secretary@lhh.org.uk

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