General charitable purposes, with a preference for Scotland, to registered charities
- Medical Research and Facilities
- Conservation and Environment
- Disadvantaged and Handicapped
- Education and Training
- Elderly, Homeless and Hospices
- Musical Theatre and Visual Arts
- Religion
- Youth Organisations
- Miscellaneous
The Trustees will also consider any other applications for charitable purposes at their discretion.
The Trustees do not restrict geographically the activities they support but the majority of funding is made available to charities operating in and from Scotland.
Applications are not normally accepted from individuals or in support of named individuals, for projects outwith the UK or for the repair and maintenance of churches.
All applications must be in hard copy (not by e-mail).
The Trustees meet quarterly and applications should be submitted at least 3 months before funding is required.
Turcan Connell WS
Princes Exchange
1 Early Grey Street
Phone: 0131 228 8111
Website: http://www.scottishgrantmakers.org/the-hugh-fraser-foundation/