Space @ The Broomhouse Hub

Provide support services to people in Edinburgh

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Services provided:

Adult Carer Support Service supports carers throughout the city.

Beacon Club (Dementia Day Care Service) provides daycare on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in the South West Neighbourhood Partnership area of Edinburgh. The Friday Day center is for the Elderly Frail. We opened another center in Gilmerton that operates Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Vintage Vibes is a fresh new service tackling isolation and loneliness among over 60’s in Edinburgh.  They are reaching out across the city, offering companionship, reliable support, and the chance to be more socially connected.

Youth Befriending Project provides a befriending service across South West Edinburgh for children aged 5-16 affected by their parental drug and alcohol use. We also provide befriending for children in kinship care aged 7-14 across the City of Edinburgh.

Young Carers is a dedicated youth work project for young carers aged 7-25 years across South West Edinburgh. We provide a range of support for members of their family, including providing practical and/or emotional support due to ill health, mental or physical disability, long-term physical or mental illness, or where drug-alcohol dependency is a problem.

Young People’s Counselling Service operates during school term time and offers the majority of sessions within school hours, on school premises as well as at the Broomhoue Hub.

Space Kitchen provides a community café service, a café training project, and food and health courses.

Outta Space is a social enterprise that provides an outside catering service to clients throughout Edinburgh.


79-89 Broomhouse Crescent
EH11 3RH
United Kingdom

Phone: 0131 455 7731
Fax: 0131 455 7731

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