- The relief of sickness and the protection and preservation of the health of persons affected by Stiff Person Syndrome, together with their families and carers.
- On-going education and awareness-raising within the medical profession and the general public of Stiff Person Syndrome.
- The promotion of research into the causes, effects, treatment and management of Stiff Person Syndrome.
SPS is an auto-immune neurological condition. It is unique due to its lack of significant similarity to any other neurological diseases. Although rare, once observed it is quite unforgettable. However, many neurologists and GPs are still unaware of the condition. In most cases, the first symptoms are insidious and victims are often initially misdiagnosed with anxiety or depression.
Under certain circumstances and entirely at the discretion of the committee grants may be available for sufferers of the disease and also their relatives and carers.
To apply for a grant download the application form print it, fill it in and send it back to the committee who will consider it at their next meeting.
It will help your application if you supply as much detail as possible but be sure to include:
What the grant is for eg Zimmer frame
Why you can not provide it yourself eg on benefits
The application form can be downloaded from the website.
You can email them, ’phone on the dedicated SPS Support Group telephone number or click the ’phone link to use Skype, and also find them on Facebook
c/o Liz Blows
75 Normandy Ave
HU17 8PF
United Kingdom
Phone: 01482 868 881