Sibs – For brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults

Support siblings who are growing up with, or, who have grown up with a brother or sister with any disability, long term chronic illness, or life limiting condition

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Sibs is the UK charity for people who grow up with a disabled brother or sister. They support siblings who are growing up with, or, who have grown up with a brother or sister with any disability, long term chronic illness, or life limiting condition.
Siblings have specific needs that require attention at different stages of their lives, including relief of isolation, information, and strategies for coping with the situations they find themselves in. The aim of Sibs is to enhance the lives of siblings by providing them with information and support, and by influencing service provision for siblings throughout the UK.

Services provided:

  • Provide support and information
  • Provide guidelines on explaining disability
  • Telephone support sessions can be arranged
  • Run workshops for parents on supporting siblings
  • Help siblings deal with their feelings
  • Free parent tips.

local groups:

There are adult sibling support groups around the UK, contact the organisation for details.


26 Mallard View
West Yorkshire
BD22 9JZ
United Kingdom

Phone: 01535645453
Fax: 01535645453

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