Services provided:
Visitor Services provides access to the Scottish Parliament building at Holyrood and a range of services to help people with their visits. Staff deal with questions about visiting the Parliament by email, letter, phone, text relay service, face-to-face in the Parliament’s public area and in British Sign Language through contactSCOTLAND-BSL. The Public Information Team can also be contacted by email, letter, phone, text, the text relay service and in British Sign Language through contactSCOTLAND-BSL.
Publications produced by Public Information are available in a range of formats through Visitor Services. Many are on display in the Main Hall and other locations in the building.
Additional information:
The Parliament building has been designed to be fully accessible for disabled people.
For visitors who are wheelchair users or who have a mobility impairment, the Scottish Parliament has:
- Level access to all areas of the new building
- Fire-proof lifts from the public gallery of the Debating Chamber to ensure that disabled visitors can be evacuated quickly and safely should the need arise
- Reserved space in the public gallery of the Debating Chamber for wheelchair users
- A free wheelchair loan service for people while they are visiting the Parliament building
- Accessible toilet facilities throughout the building, including some larger facilities with space for an assistant and changing bench
- Carpets with a short, dense pile to assist wheelchair users.
Scottish Parliament
Visitor Services
EH99 1SP
Phone: 0131 348 5200 or 0800 092 7600