Scottish Commission for Learning Disability (SCLD)

SCLD are the lead partner to the Scottish Government in the delivery of learning disability policy and strategy

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About SCLD

The Scottish Commission for Learning Disability (SCLD) is an independent charitable organisation for the learning disability sector.  We are ambitious for change – our vision is for a Scotland where people with learning disabilities are included and respected as equal citizens.

We are a partner to our principal funders, the Scottish Government, and work with them to support and evaluate interventions, deliver projects and drive improvement.  SCLD collaborates with a wide range of stakeholders including commissioners, providers, researchers, advocates and people with learning disabilities and carers.


 What we do

SCLD engages at a policy level to help ensure that decision making which affects people with learning disabilities is based on the best available evidence and takes their views into account.

We lead innovation and collaboration in policy by:


  • Supporting the development and evaluation of asset based approaches to service design and delivery
  • Promoting practice which facilitates new opportunities for people with learning disabilities
  • Creating opportunities to share good practice and ensuring accessible dissemination of evidence
  • Providing advice and support to organisations to strengthen their capability to support people with learning disabilities

o form an independent charity and company.


Suite 5.2
Stock Exchange Court
77 Nelson Mandela Place
G2 1QY

Phone: 0141 248 3733

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