- To ensure that all clubs offering disabled sailing will be of minimum standard, both in their disability awareness training and their facilities, together with the type and standard of boats and equipment being used.
- To this end Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Sailability is committed to increasing opportunities, variety and choice for people with disabilities in sailing throughout the UK.
services provided:
- Promoting awareness by making people with disabilities aware of the sailing opportunities and facilities that are available
- Co-ordinate a national network of RYA Sailability representatives, clubs wishing to develop their facilities and accessibility advice
- Support advances in technology in the adaptation of existing boats for the use of people with disabilities
- Establish centres for training and research, to show clubs how people with disabilities can participate in their activities
- Offer a where to go Sailing Guide and a directory of equipment and services for disabled sailing
Price of sailing services vary depending on location, contact the organisation for further information.
Local groups:
List of RYA Sailability accredited sites are available on request.
See also RYA Sailability Scotland (Separate entry).
RYA House
Ensign Way
SO31 4YA
Phone: 023 8060 4100
Fax: 023 8060 4299