Services provided:
The Patient Advice and Support Service is an independent service which provides free, accessible and confidential information, advice and support to patients, their carers and families about NHS healthcare.
If you want to give feedback or comments, or raise concerns or complaints about your NHS treatment , the Patient Advice and Support Service can:
- Help you to understand your rights and responsibilities as a patient
- Support you if you are going to a meeting
- Help you write letters and make phone calls
- Help you access your medical and clinical records
- Help you find health services and social care
- Help you access the treatment, care and support you need
You can access this service from any Citizens Advice Bureau in Scotland. Your CAB adviser will refer you to a Patient Adviser if it is appropriate, who can provide specialist help or support regarding the NHS in Scotland.
You’ll find the contact details for your local Citizens Advice Bureau at You can also access Adviceguide to get advice and information online.
To find out who to contact in your local area go to the Local advice page of the website.