Services provided:
Missing People is an independent charity funded by donations. They are a lifeline when someone disappears. They are caring and highly trained staff and volunteers working in collaboration with partners across the UK. For those left behind, they provide specialised support to end the heartache and confusion and search for their missing loved one.
116 000 is the number to call, text or email for advice, support and options if you, or someone you love, goes missing or runs away – it’s free, 24 hour and confidential. They provide round the clock emotional support for the duration of a disappearance.
Call 116 000
Text 116 000 (You can text them even if you have no credit left on your mobile phone.)
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.”>
Their caring and highly trained staff and volunteers will discuss your options and try to get you the support you need. If you’re worried about the safety of a missing person, they would encourage you to contact the police as a first point of call.
They have access to the Language Line interpretation service to facilitate contact with non-English speakers
Roebuck House
284 Upper Richmond Road West
SW14 7JE
Minicom: 116 000 (Text)
Helpline number: 116 000