Migraine Trust

Funds research, provides migraine information, promotes migraine awareness and treatment and builds a supportive community for sufferers.

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To empower, inform and support those affected by migraine while educating health professionals and actively funding and disseminating research.

Services provided:

  • Information and enquiry service for questions people may have about migraine, other headaches and their management
  • Advocacy service for people with migraine who feel that they are discriminated against in the workplace, for migraineurs who have difficulties in accessing education because of their migraine, and migraine patients experiencing difficulties accessing appropriate NHS treatment.  Telephone number for Advocacy service is: 0207 631 6973
  • Support research projects which are aimed at improving the understanding of migraine and headache
  • Raise awareness of migraine
  • Funds research into migraine
  • Holds workshops for sufferers and health professionals.


4th Floor
Mitre House
44-46 Fleet Street

Phone: 0203 9510 150
Website: http://www.migrainetrust.org/

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