Services provided:
The Welfare Rights Team offer assistance to Social Work clients and all Midlothian residents over 60 that require welfare rights advice and representation at Social Security appeals. They offer free impartial advice on:
- Disability Living Allowance Appeals/Attendance Allowance Appeals
Incapacity benefit /Employment Support Appeals
Income Support/Job Seekers Allowance/Pension Credit Appeals
Child Tax /Working Tax Credit appeals
Industrial Injuries Appeals
Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit Appeals
House visits can be arranged for those who are housebound.
The team can provide help with completion of claim forms to appealing decisions and representation at Social Security Appeals and Social Security Commissioners.
Welfare Rights Officers
Fairfield House
8 Lothian Road
EH22 3AA
Phone: 0131 271 3781 or 0131 270 8922
Fax: 0131 271 3594