MedicAlert Foundation (The)

MedicAlert is the original and only charity provider of medical ID services in the UK.

MedicAlert supports people living with medical conditions and allergies, keeping them safe in emergency situations by providing the full medical ID service and custom-made medical ID jewellery.

Worn on your pulse point and carrying our internationally recognised symbol, your ID jewellery alerts emergency professionals to your vital medical information immediately and allows them to gain access to your full record via our 24/7 emergency line. Our team of in-house registered nurses check your record when it is created or amended, to ensure it is medically sound and prioritised for use in an emergency.

Members can manage their record online, making amends as often as they like, or via phone or email. All members can also nominate one or more loved one to help manage their record via our advocacy function.

Membership keeps you safe in emergencies by ensuring fast accurate treatment whilst reducing the risk of errors and complications. In addition, the charity provides you and your loved ones with peace of mind, allowing you the confidence to live life to the full and join in.


  • Monday – Friday: 8.00am to 3.30pm
  • Saturday: 9.00am to 3.00pm

Emergency helpline: 24/7, 365 days a year (around the world in over 100 languages and dialects)


Suite 1
Liscombe South
Liscombe Park
United Kingdom

Phone: 01908 951045
Contact form:

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