To provide independent advocacy to adults who use community care services. Their priority groups are adults with a learning disability, adults who use mental health services and people over 65.
Services provided:
Lomond & Argyll Advocacy Service (usually known as ‘LAAS’) is an independent organisation, commissioned by an innovative partnership of health and social work services to develop access to independent advocacy across West Dunbartonshire and Argyll & Bute. The Service currently operates a community based independent advocacy service for adults with learning difficulties, older people and adults who use mental health services throughout the area.
Lomond & Argyll Advocacy Service is firmly rooted in the communities it serves and has local advocacy support groups throughout the area. The Service is free, independent and confidential. An advocate’s own loyalty is to the person they are supporting.
Contact details for other offices:
Main office in Dumbarton can be contacted on 01389 726 543
Helensburgh & South East Argyll
01389 726 543
Mid Argyll Office
01546 606 056
Cowal & Bute Office
01369 840 250
Oban & Lorn Office
01546 606 056
Kintyre Office
01586 553 428.
01546 606 056
Cowal & Bute Office
01369 840 250
Oban & Lorn Office
01546 606 056
Kintyre Office
01586 553 428.
01369 840 250
Oban & Lorn Office
01546 606 056
Kintyre Office
01586 553 428.
01546 606 056
Kintyre Office
01586 553 428.
01586 553 428.
155 Glasgow Road
G82 1RH
Phone: 01389 726543