Lawyers with Disabilities Division

Provides a communication channel to enable solicitors with disabilities to make their voice heard to the Law Society

Services provided:

Members come from a wide range of backgrounds and include law students, retired solicitors, paralegals, law lecturers and practising solicitors. Members have a wide range of disabilities that affect them to varying degrees, including visual and other sensory impairments, impaired mobility and various disabilities that are not immediately apparent, such as epilepsy and dyslexia.

What they do:

  • Help people with disabilities to access legal services and facilities
  • Lobby for legislation to protect their rights
  • Provides a powerful communication channel to enable solicitors with disabilities to make their voice heard to the Law Society, local law societies, the profession, government and other policy makers.

Lawyers with Disabilities Division campaigns vigorously for its members, starting in 2009 with a drive to encourage employers to take on trainees and solicitors with disabilities.

The Law Society does not provide legal advice for members of the public. For general information see common legal problems.

If you require individual advice, use their find a solicitor search tool to locate a solicitor in your area.



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