Lanarkshire Carers is a source for carers across Lanarkshire to access information, advice and a range of direct support services to support them in their caring roles. We work with and for carers to develop and deliver services that make a positive difference in their lives. Lanarkshire Carers is commissioned by Health and Social Care North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership to provide Adult Carer Support Services.
Early Intervention and prevention is key to ensuring carers continue to manage and do not reach crisis point. Lanarkshire Carers empowers carers to sustain their caring role through a self-management approach, by working in partnership with a range of organisations and services that can support them.
The support and services that we provide:
- Adult Carer Support Plans
- Support with Emergency Planning and Anticipatory Plans
- Emotional and Practical Support on a one-to-one basis with the carer
- Support to access a Short Break, enabling carers to take some time out from the demands and regular routine of caring
- Helping carers to feel confident in their caring roles and look after their own Health and Wellbeing through our Carer Training Programme
- Dedicated support for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities including bi-lingual support
- Tailored support for Young Adult Carers (aged 18-25)
- Support when engaging with social work and partner organisations
- Carer Legal Clinics where carers can obtain advice on topics such as Guardianship and Power of Attorney with a solicitor
- An opportunity for carers to have their voices heard to promote direct involvement and influence improvement in the planning and delivery of health and social care services.
For more information on the services provided by Lanarkshire Carers, please visit our website:
Alternatively, we can be contacted by phone on 01698 428090 / 01236 755550 or by email: You can also follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) by searching for ‘Lanarkshire Carers’.
Ground Floor Left
Princes Gate
60 Castle Street
United Kingdom
Phone: 01698 428 090
Contact form: