James and Grace Anderson Trust

Advancing by investigation, research or otherwise in any way knowledge with regard to the causes of cerebral palsy and related conditions

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Advancing by investigation, research or otherwise in any way knowledge with regard to the causes of cerebral palsy and related conditions and, if possible, curing or alleviating the same.


  • Instituting or supporting (or both) all manner of experimental and other research work related in any known or purported or possible way to the investigation of cerebral palsy
  • The financial and other encouragement of efforts towards providing mechanical and other aids to its victims
  • Clinics for examination of and advice either gratuitously or at least on terms estimated to do no more than meet the relative expenses
  • Grants of money to any persons who are able to satisfy the trustees that they are qualified to prosecute studies which may be helpful to the purposes of the Trust and that the grants will be so used.

Who can apply?

Organisations or individuals

How to apply?

Applications in writing to the Trustees. Trustees meet in May and November.


69a George Street

Phone: 0131 220 7660
Email: rjm@tcyoung.co.uk

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