Services provided:
GDA is a membership-led organisation of disabled people and groups in Glasgow. Its mission is to act as a collective, representative voice of disabled people, promoting equality, rights and social justice. GDA has a membership of over 1300 disabled people and is the biggest groundswell of disabled members in Scotland, if not, the UK.
What they do is:-
- Support disabled people who want to get into learning by providing taster courses which are accessible and free
- Help disabled people to move onto other learning at community project courses, colleges, universities, in libraries or anywhere else
- Provide information to disabled people, their groups and those who work with them
- Encourage disabled people and their organisations to get together with policy and decision makers.
- Build their membership to give GDA a stronger voice including other groups who are also treated unfairly
- Represent our members by giving their views to agencies that serve disabled people
- Tell politicians the things that are important to disabled people and the things that need to change
- Try to get money from lots of different funders to enable us to do work which is important to disabled people
- Work effectively together with disabled people, their groups and our Board and Committees to make things better for disabled people in Glasgow
- Work with organisations who provide learning and other services to disabled people, giving them information, advising them and training them to understand and better meet the needs of disabled people
- All the things they do contribute towards improving the lives of disabled people in Glasgow.
Pathways for Change will enable GDA to deliver targeted support to disabled people within 3 dedicated strands.
- Younger Disabled People aged 16-30.
- Older Disabled People aged 50 .
- Disabled people facing barriers to training, volunteering and employment.
Suite 301 - The White Studios
Templeton Business Centre
Templeton Court
G40 1DA
Phone: 0141 556 7103