What do we do?
Generations Working Together provides information, delivers support and
encourages involvement to benefit all of Scotland’s generations, by working,
learning, volunteering and living together.
That all generations in Scotland will work together to create a better and fairer country for all.
Our equality and cohesion fund project outcomes for July 2016 – June 2017
1. Organisations, including those working with protected characteristics age,
disability & race develop knowledge, understanding and projects that use
intergenerational approaches to challenge ageism and discrimination and
promote the inclusion of people from diverse backgrounds.
2. People within protected characteristics groups (age, disability and race)
experience a reduction in discrimination, loneliness and isolation and
barriers to connecting to other generations. They are more included in their
communities and acknowledged for their contributions.
3. National organisations, local authorities, national public agencies and
organisations have an increased awareness, adopt and embed
intergenerational approaches to address the challenges of our ageing society
and promote positive images of all older and younger people
organisational outcomes for 2015-2020
1. Young and older people are more respected and included in their
communities and as consequence enjoy enhanced health and wellbeing.
2. People at local, regional and national levels understand intergenerational
approaches and integrate this into practice and policy to create positive
3. GWT is the nationally recognised centre of excellence, supporting the
integration of intergenerational work across Scotland.
A copy of our constitution can be downloaded here.
Our first Trustee report and set of accounts from 29th July 2015 – 31st March
2016 can be viewed here.
opening hours:
Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm.
Scottish Centre for Intergenerational Practice
3rd Floor, Brunswick House
51 Wilson Street
G1 1UZ
Phone: 0141 559 5024
Website: http://generationsworkingtogether.org/
Email: office@generationsworkingtogether.org