Services provided:
FASS offers a variety of supports to family members who have been affected by a loved one’s drug or alcohol problems. These supports include 1-1 supports from Family & Bereavement Support and Kinship Support Workers, Holistic Therapies, Hypnotherapy, Volunteering opportunities and peer support through their support groups. Advice and sign posting to other agencies is also offered FASS has 21 support groups throughout Glasgow which include Family Support, Bereavement and Kinship Groups. FASS can support family members and provide knowledge and techniques which can help the families through what can often be very stressful times.
Services include:
- Family & Bereavement support workers
- Kinship and support worker
- Hypnotherapy
- Access to a variety of Peer Support Groups
- Respite Breaks
- Complimentary therapies
- Holistic Therapies
- Alternative Stress Therapies
- Training
- Volunteering
Opening hours:
Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 4.00pm
Argyll House
209 Govan Road
G51 1HJ
United Kingdom
Phone: 01417373699