FACCT (Fife Assessment Centre for Communication Through Technology)

Provides a lifelong service to people in Fife with communication difficulties who may benefit from using a communication aid or may need training

Phone us on
Phone our helpline on

Services provided:

  • Assesses users, and where appropriate supplies appropriate communication devices to people who have communication difficulties such as those arising from multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, head injuries or motor neurone disease.
  • Provides training for individuals working in this field, including (but not limited to): Communication Passports; Symbolising the Environment; Talking Mats and Boardmaker.

Catchment area:


Opening hours:

9.00 am – 5.00 pm


Auchterderran Centre
14 Woodend Road

Phone: 03451 55 55 55
Website: http://www.fifedirect.org.uk/topics/index.cfm?fuseaction=page.display&p2sid=6B1BF8FA-D950-D5D8-8D00A130838AF60A&themeid=2B4D39FB-1CC4-E06A-5201AAA15FE8C653
Helpline number: Ext 44 20 00

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