East and Central Sutherland Citizen’s Advice Bureau

Provide an information and advice service to people in East Sutherland


To provide a free, confidential, independent and impartial information and advice service.

Services provided:

  • Provide information and advice on a wide range of topics including benefits, housing, money advice, housing, employment and immigration problems
  • Run a welfare rights service for complex benefit queries, including reconsiderations and representation at social security and disability appeals.

Opening hours:

Office hours: Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm


East & Central Sutherland Citizens Advice Bureau
Station Road
Golspie KW10 6SN
KW10 6SN
United Kingdom

Phone: 01408633000
Website: http://www.ecscab.org.uk
Email: philip.carr@ecscab.org.uk

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