Dumfries and Galloway Advocacy Service is commissioned to deliver services that are free, independent, confidential, accessible and person-centred. We are a registered charity that follows the Principles, Standards and codes of Best Practice as published by the (SIAA) Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance. Independent Advocacy is about empowering people involved in using or receiving services. We work to express our client’s thoughts, wishes and feelings.
Dumfries and Galloway Advocacy Service will help clients understand what is happening in their lives and support them to take control of their circumstances by empowering them to help themselves. We will use listening skills and help clients think through their problems and find information that will help them make informed choices and decisions and help them understand the options available to them while protecting their rights and ensuring they are treated with respect and dignity.
Opening hours:
Monday – Friday, 9.30am – 3.30pm (closed for lunch 12.30pm-1pm)
Hestan House,
Crichton Business Park
Bankend Road
Dumfries and Galloway
United Kingdom
Phone: 01387 247 237
Website: http://www.dgadvocacy.co.uk
Email: info@dgadvocacy.co.uk
Contact form: https://www.dgadvocacy.co.uk/contact-us/