Supporting, developing and representing the third sector (charities, social enterprises, community and voluntary groups, etc) in Falkirk and District.
Services provided:
CVS Falkirk & District is recognised by Scottish Government and Falkirk Community Planning Partnership (CPP) as the third sector interface for the Falkirk area.
We have a primary role in ensuring the continuation and development of a vibrant third sector (charities, social enterprises, community and voluntary groups, etc) in Falkirk.
We have four key areas of work:
• More people have increased opportunities to volunteer, and volunteer involving organisations are better able to recruit, manage and retain volunteers
• Social enterprise develops and grows
• Organisations are well governed and managed to enable them to deliver quality outcomes
• Organisations are better connected and able to influence and contribute to public policy
To find out more about what we do to deliver against these objectives, please visit our website, or select the appropriate page from the options below:
• Volunteering
• Social Enterprise
• Organisation Support
• Voice of the Sector
Alternatively, our Strategy for 2018 is now available to view or download.
The Courtyard - Unit 6
Callendar Business Park
Callendar Road
Phone: 01324 692 000