Coeliac UK

Working for people with coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis (DH)

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Phone our helpline on


To support the health, wealth and rights of people with coeliac disease or DH.

Services provided:

  • Support medically diagnosed patients and improve their standard of life
  • Advice is given on how to cope with the difficulties of every day life when affected by these life-long medical conditions
  • The Charity funds research into the nature, causes, treatment and cure of the condition
  • Educate the public and those in the health sector on the condition and relevant issues.

local groups:

Coeliac UK have an office in Scotland based at:-
1 – 3 Colme Street
Edinburgh EH3 6AA

Telephone: 0131 220 8342
Fax: 0131 220 8201

There are several support groups in Scotland.

Opening hours:

Monday –  Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm.


3rd Floor
Apollo Centre
Desborough Road
High Wycombe
HP11 2QW

Phone: 01494 437 278
Fax: 01494 474 349
Helpline number: 0333 332 2033

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