Carers of West Lothian 0ffer a range of services developed to meet the needs and improve the lives of the people they support through their information, advice and support service. They support unpaid carers aged 8 upwards providing care and support to family members, friends or neighbours who could not manage without their help. Their Disability Service provides support to disabled people with a learning and/or physical disability living in West Lothian. The service aims to promote independence and social inclusion.
Support staff can provide emotional and practical support and advice as well as a listening ear and signposting to other services.
Support CoWL provide may include
- Emotional support such as a listening ear
- Wellbeing and self-care – complementary therapies like massage, reflexology
- Mental Health & Wellbeing Support for carers
- Social opportunities – groups, events, and outings
- Peer support groups inc. school groups
- Training and workshops
- Advice clinics – welfare rights, Power of Attorney/legal advice
- Information and adviceSignposting and referrals to relevant services and agencies
- Opportunities to have a say on local services and information on your rights
- Planning for emergencies
- Breaks from caring – Short Breaks and Respitality
- Community passes for local attractions – 5 Sisters Zoo and Almond Valley
- Bereavement support
Sycamore House
Quarrywood Court
West Lothian
EH54 6AX
United Kingdom
Phone: 01506 448 000