To provide information, advice and support for people who wish to stop smoking.
Services provided:
Helpline offers confidential access to specialist counsellors who are able to talk through the process of giving up smoking, and help with any problems that can arise. The free national helpline is funded by the NHS. Other agencies also provide free helplines, including the charity Quit whose services include Asian language Quitlines and help by e-mail.
The helpline will offer to send information by post, and should also be able to give a contact number for a local NHS stop smoking centres.
Smokeline Scotland (Freephone) 0800 84 84 84 can be accessed between 8.00pm -10.00pm. (If English is not your 1st language, you can call smokeline & request your own language.)
Smoking Concerns
Dalian House
350 St Vincent Street
G3 8YZ
Helpline number: 0800 84 84 84