Calibre Audio Library

Subscription-free library of audio books available by post or via internet for people who cannot read print because they have sight problems, dyslexia or other disabilities.


Calibre Audio Library is a national charity providing a subscription-free service of unabridged audio books for adults and children with sight problems, dyslexia or other disabilities, who cannot read print.

Services provided:

Audiobooks are available on MP3 CD and memory stick via our free postal service. You can join online or by calling our friendly Membership Services team.

What they offer

Calibre’s audio library includes:

• around 11,000 unabridged audiobooks – fiction and non-fiction – from new releases to classics
• over 3,000 books specifically for children and young people
• all books read by professional actors and broadcasters
• all books available in digital format on MP3 CD or memory stick
• books can also be streamed online or downloaded on mobile devices via our app
• free postage and no fines for late or lost books
• no subscription fees
• flexible lending to suit your needs
• the option to choose your books online
• a friendly, personal, quick service


One-off joining fee of £35 for adults/£20 for under 16s, thereafter free borrowing for life.

Opening hours:

Call Membership services on 01296 432 339,

Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm.

Books can be borrowed online 24/7.


New Road
Weston Turville
HP22 5XQ

Phone: 01296 432 339
Fax: 01296 392 599

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