Services provided:
Brain Tumour Action provides a range of services and supports a wide range of activities. Their vision is of a day when brain tumours are brought under control and patients can return to their usual activities as soon as possible. Until that day comes, here’s what we do to help:
Brain Tumour Action provides a full set of information booklets and leaflets and an annual newsletter KITE. They are available on request, and in addition can be downloaded free of charge from the website.
Telephone Helpline:
Brain Tumour Action runs its own telephone helpline on 0131 466 3116 – phone them for support, information, help and counselling.
Brain Tumour Action is dedicated to improving the level of public knowledge about brain tumours and the issues they create through campaigning at the Scottish Parliament and working with colleagues at Westminster.
Brain Tumour Action counts a trained counsellor amongst its committee members and can provide expert advice about obtaining help and support in your area. In Edinburgh, they also provide access to free aromatherapy and massage at the Western General Hospital.
Brain Tumour Action funds research and is proud of Brain Tumour Research, an alliance of colleague charities who combine their resources to contribute significant sums to research and increasing political influence to encourage much more state funded research.
25 Ann Street
Phone: 0131 466 3116