Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd.

Housing Association accommodation & support for vulnerable people

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To provide quality affordable accommodation and person centred support services, to enable marginalised and vulnerable people to have improved opportunities and choices.

Services provided:

.The Association enables excluded homeless people to develop their self confidence and the skills required to live independently.

TheirĀ current work is diverse and includes:

  • Supported Accommodation
  • Employability and Training Initiatives
  • Floating Support
  • Resettlement and Outreach Support
  • Advice and Information
  • All residents and tenants are referred by their local authority. People can apply directly to the Association for help.

Local groups:

There are services in Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire, East Lothian, South and East Ayrshire, West Dunbartonshire and Argyll & Bute.


3rd Floor
100 Berkeley Street
G3 7HU

Phone: 0141 221 8365
Fax: 0141 248 8711

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