Befriending Networks

We are the network for befriending organisations. We support organisations to delivery quality befriending services.

Our Vision

We envision a society where quality befriending support is available to everyone who needs it, and the importance of meaningful connections is recognised. Since the late 1980s, we have provided support, training and guidance to hundreds of befriending projects.

We are the network for befriending organisations. We are the intermediary between our members, supporters, and stakeholders, working collaboratively and inclusively to connect and strengthen the befriending sector. We support organisations to deliver quality befriending services that promote wellbeing and meaningful connections, ensuring that everyone feels valued.

What we do

  • Maintain and expand an effective and connected network of members.
  • Provide information, resources, training, awards, and consultancy about all aspects of befriending
  • Raise the profile and understanding of befriending and its impact
  • Coordinate Befriending Week, our annual campaign taking place 1st to 7th November


5-7 Montgomery Street Lane
6 Hermand Street
City of Edinburgh
United Kingdom

Phone: 0131 261 8799

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