Ataxia UK

National charity supporting people affected by Ataxia

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To raise money for research into ataxias and to provide information, advice and support to people affected by ataxia, carers, professionals and the general public.

Services provided:

  • Provide information and practical advice on how to live with ataxia
  • Put people with ataxia and their families in touch with each other
  • Raise awareness of ataxia, so that the needs of people who have it are understood and supported
  • Host conferences
  • Make occasional grants in cases of extreme need
  • Fund research into the cause of and treatments for Friedreich’s, cerebellar and other ataxias
  • Provide advocacy for those people disadvantaged by ataxia.

local groups:

Local branches and support groups are located across the United Kingdom, contact Ataxia UK for more details.



Opening hours:

Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm (Answerphone at other times)
Helpline can be accessed Monday – Thursday, 10.30am – 2.30pm.


12 Broadbent Close
N6 5JW

Phone: 0207 582 1444
Helpline number: 0845 644 0606

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