4.2 Reasonable Adjustments

Reasonable adjustments are required wherever disabled customers – or potential customers – would otherwise be at a substantial disadvantage compared with non-disabled people.

  • What is reasonable will depend on all the circumstances, including the cost of an adjustment, the potential benefit it might bring to other customers, the resources an organisation has and how practical the changes are.
  • Disabled customers cannot be charged for making reasonable adjustments.


  • An induction loop for people who rely on hearing aids to access information
  • Hardware and software that assists people to use computers
  • Information in alternative formats such as large print, audio or braille
  • Support from a person to help with information needs

The Act requires that providers think ahead and take steps to address ‘barriers’ that impede disabled people. They should not wait until a disabled person experiences difficulty using a service as this may make it too late to make the necessary adjustment. In terms of accessible information, good practice would be to have a procedure already in place to provide alternative formats as quickly as possible.