Online Accessibility

With the continuing move of everybody and their pets to having an online presence it is becoming increasingly important that we all have some kind of access to the online world.

We communicate with each other, shop and work online. We administer our finances, benefits, mortgages, rent and insurance policies online.  We arrange travel and access entertainment and education online. Online services are now involved in almost all areas of our lives.

Access to the online world is no longer the benefit to some that it was 25 years ago but is now a necessity for all and with this comes the requirement that EVERYONE is able to engage fully with online services when they are using them.

In this course we are going to take a look at the issues faced by people with disabilities which may leave them unable to engage fully with online services and some of the general strategies and assistive technologies that they and content providers can utilise to ensure that they can.

By the end of the course you will have a grounding in:

  • The growing range, scope and usage of online services.
  • The strategies and assistive technologies people with sensory, physical and learning disabilities use to access online content.
  • The regulations (Global) which currently advise on digital information.

But firstly lets start with a look at the online world from the perspective of a fairly average user (me)